Isnin, 29 Mac 2010



Ia merujuk kepada bahagian yang paling dalam bagi lautan. Keadaan di lembangan abis yang dalam sentiasa gelap dan tidak mempunyai tumbuh-tumbuhan kerana ia tidak menerima cahaya matahari. Walau bagaimana pun, terdapat beberapa jenis binatan dan ikan yang hidup di kawasan ini ialah dari kumpulan bentos yang hidup dengan dengan memakan bahan bahan organik yang meresap jauh ke dalam lautan dari permukaannya. Dasar abis diliputi oleh satu lapisan mendapan tebal yang tertinbun melalui jangka masa yang lama. Ini termasuklah mendapan-mendapan yang berasal dari daratan, seperti lumpur, mendapan pelagik, misalnya ooz-ooz dan tanah liat yang sebahagian besarnya terdiri daripada debu gunung berapi yang dikeluarkan sewaktu berlaku letusan.

The abyssal zone is the abyssopelagic layer of pelagic zone that contains the very deep benthic communities near the bottom of oceans. "Abyss" is from the Greek word meaning "bottomless sea". At depths of 4,000 to 6,000 meters (13,123 to 19,685 feet), this zone remains in perpetual darkness and never receives daylight. It is the deeper part of the midnight zone which starts in the bathyalpelagic waters above.[1][2]
Its permanent inhabitants (for example, the
black swallower, tripod fish, deep-sea anglerfish and the giant squid) are able to withstand the immense pressures of the ocean depths, up to 76 megapascals (11,000 psi).[1] Many abyssal creatures have underslung jaws to sift through the sand to catch food.[2] The deep trenches or fissures that plunge down thousands of feet below the ocean floor (for example, the midoceanic trenches such as the Mariana Trench in the Pacific) are almost unexplored.[1] Only the bathyscaphe Trieste, the remote control submarine Kaiko and the Nereus have been able to descend to these depths.[3][4] These regions are also characterized by continuous cold and lack of nutrients. The abyssal zone has temperatures around 2 to 3 degrees Celsius through the large majority of its mass.[2]
The area below the abyssal zone is the sparsely inhabited
Hadal zone.[5] The zone above is the bathyal zone.[5] These three zones belong to the deep-sea realm. Above on the continental platform there are respectively the euphotic and dysphotic zones. The abyssal zone lies partially in the dysphotic and partially in the aphotic zones.[6]

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